Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!

Well, a new year is upon us. Hmmm, what to do with resolutions, thoughts, hobbies, among other things? I have decided to attempt a year-long photo blog, along with some anecdotal randomness that impresses me as well.

I am very much an amateur photog....with no aspirations of becoming legendary. I am also a poker enthusiast, father of three, husband, ex-golfer, lawn jockey, business owner, and "jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none".....not in order of importance.

My goal is to challenge myself in putting 1-2, sometimes more, pictures on the blog per day. Also, to write some articles (who knows where that will lead if I get on one of my rants) when I get fired up.

Blogs are funny. I am not one of those that thinks he is reaching out to the world. I don't think I have anything particularly inspirational, or interesting, to say. Blogs are some of the most self-centered, narcissistic things in existence, imo, and part of me can't believe I am going to give this a shot.

This blog is purely for me. If anyone takes interest, I appreciate it, but I won't lose sleep if this never gets a single "hit." This is to commit me to photography and to see if I can post a shot per day for the year.....and to see how creative I can get along the way. I just know myself and won't be able to "Keep It Simple, Stupid" for long.

There you have your little introduction. I will be back later with the first pic for the new year. Hope you all have a happy, prosperous one.....and enjoy the ride!


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