Thursday, February 4, 2010

Looking Good..

Originally uploaded by chipnjo1999
After a day of logging her movements, I realized how much she goes out. WOW!

Here is a copy of the log I took down:

02/02/2010 - 10 weeks 15lbs.; 14”.

6am - potty 1 and 2. 620am - feed 2/3 cup 715am - potty 1 and 2. 1230pm - potty 1 and feed 1 cup. 1pm - vet visit. 240pm - potty 1. 4pm - potty 1 and 2. 615pm - potty 1 and feed 1 cup. 7pm - potty 1 and 2. 730pm - potty 1. 9pm - potty 1 and 2. 1030pm - potty 1.

Total for day… 1 = 10, 2 = 5. 2-2/3 cups food. 1 minor accident, but interrupted and she finished immediately outside.

Now, we just work on getting her to WANT to go outside. However, on the brighter side, she is pretty good on a leash, knows sit and lie down, and sure is a load of fun. Oh, and quite the lap dog, too. Although, I hear that is never going away. Boxers are 70 lb lap

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