Friday, January 8, 2010


The ice here in St. Louis is getting thick. The Mississippi River is about to freeze completely over, and I think it may actually do it. The question becomes: When was the last time it was walked across?

The answer: 1900 (according to the local news this morning). Apparently, people drove horse-drawn carriages across the river without problems. I have also seen a picture from 1900, a couple of years ago in the paper, of a man walking across the river to work. I have been thinking about this since the river almost froze over in that year where the paper ran the picture.

How cool is that?! To say you WALKED across the Mississippi River? I am reminded of a story from my Dad that I will never forget. (Hell, he may not even remember that he told me.)

He and his family used to go up north in the summers to fish. My Dad told me, when I was about 6 or 8, that he once jumped across the Mississippi River! I had already seen the river in St. Louis because my grandparents (on my Mom's side) lived here. In fact, they often took us down to look at the river. Once we "washed our hands" in it during a flood. But, I digress. I remember MY image of the river, and my Dad's story of jumping it. And, I remember vividly thinking my father must be freaking Superman to pull that off. (You know how kids think, especially of their daddies and mommies) Of course, it was years later that either I figured it out, or Dad told was up in Minnesota near the headwaters where the river is only several feet across. LOL. Nonetheless, I would like to try something along these lines for myself.

Of course, there would be pictures. I think this could be a "once in a lifetime" type of opportunity presenting itself. I also think I am just dumb enough to try it....after some precautions have been met first.

There are a couple of things to consider, though. 1) Will local commerce be so diligent as to keep the river open for barge traffic? And, I don't know the answer as of yet. I think they may try, but will eventually stop if it proves to be too difficult. That would make the ice out in the channel thinner than the rest....something to pay attention to. And, 2) The water flowing UNDER the ice. That river won't stop moving because there is ice on top. And, I can only imagine that if one falls through, one is definitely gone until his body shoots out the mouth in New Orleans. And, I can't hold my breath that So, my concern is finding proof that it is safe to cross. I can only think to watch the news because surely I can count on some other idiots to try this first. I am a "calculated risk" kind of guy....not a complete nutbag like some people out there. And, I assume when it is deemed "safe enough" that the news will even send someone of there own to either cover it OR walk across it themselves.

Anyway, the daily pic, and more on this story to come........

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